Q&A with May Cobb of Hunting Wives

Spoilers ahead - so don't read if you've not finished. 

  • Can you elaborate more about your mother and your inspiration and why you reversed it and had the women create this hunting club? Do you think we’re more judgmental of unlikeable “mom’s” then unlikeable “dad’s”?  

I wanted to upend the notion of a boy's club and give women the space to behave badly. And yes, we are SO much more judgemental of unlikeable mom's then dad's!!

  • We want to know more about the relationship with Erin and Sophie. Did anything more happen with them in high school? She was so forgiving of canceled plans and such and then all of the sudden she was just done with her. Why wasn’t Erin in the group of the hunting wives? Any reason she was particularly excluded? Did she exclude herself or did they exclude her? 

  I feel like Erin just wasn't glamourous enough to be a part of the hunting wives. I mean that from Margot and co's perspective (I loved Erin myself and thought she was the sanest one of all). She was excluded b/c she was so down to earth and not into the surface things that the hunting wives were.

  • Can you tell us more about the development of Sophie? It seems like she knew better then to get sucked into this group of women and yet proceeded anyways? It Do you think she wasn’t getting fulfilled by her husband and son? Do you think she was bisexual and not willing to admit it? Do you think she was just needy or just straight up obsessed with Margo? 

I think she was just straight up obsessed with Margot. I do think Sophie is bisexual and rather than not being willing to admit it, I would say that more likely she just hasn't really explored it in her own head enough. I think she is driven by pure lust of Margot and gets swept away.

  • Do you believe Margo had good intentions? Do you think had she not have been killed that she would have helped Sophie out? 

  I do think she would've helped Sophie for sure.

  • Why does Callie drug everyone? Why does Sophie fall for getting drugged twice? 

The first time Callie drugs Sophie is bc Margot is flirting with Sophie and Callie wants to literally knock her out. The second time, she is just trying to handle Sophie bc Sophie is so angry with them. I think the first time she was totally taken by surprise and I think the second time, she's just not in her right mind and man, that glass of wine sure looks good:).

  • If you were in Graham’s shoes could you have forgiven Sophie? 


  • Who was your favorite character to develop and who was the most challenging? 

  I think Margot was and/but she was also challenging because she was a bit of a mystery.

  • What was your favorite part of the book to write and what was the most challenging? 

 My favorite part were the scenes of the women altogether. They were, at first, my most challenging but then I found I really liked writing the group dynamic.
  • Would you ever consider a spin off from a side character? Which would you pick?

  • We personally want to know more about Margo. Can you elaborate more about her life…like what is day to day like for her? What’s her relationship with her husband? Does she aim to always look perfect (even when she’s drinking?) What’s her childhood like? How did she get to this point and what would happen to her if she lost her status?

I think Margot has always been pampered by enormous wealth, and driven by her demons. She is obsessed with her own power - money, sexual, and otherwise, and I think that her relationship with Brad comes about because she is aging and still wants to prove her beauty and sexual power. She has very torturous relationship with her husband. They are still in love in some ways and attracted to each other, but they also fight a lot and he betrayed her and she's never gotten over it.


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