Would your friends and family describe you as a bibliobibuli or just an everyday bibliophagist? Do you consider yourself a librocubicultarist whose ballycumbers regularly get in the way of a good night’s rest? Have you ever given into bibliosmia in your local library or favorite bookstore, even when other people were book-browsing nearby? Do you have any idea what I’m talking about? If so, then you’re definitely a serious book lover, with the vocabulary to prove it.

The Not-So-Secret VoCLUBulary 

ARC (n.): Advance Reader Copies of Books that we can't wait too dive into and see before everyone else. 

Angsticipation (n.): The feeling experienced when you finish the latest book in a series, it ends on a serious cliffhanger, and there isn’t even an estimated publication date for the next book in the series yet.

Ballycumber (n.): One of six half-read books lying in your bed.

Bibliobibuli (n.): People who read too much.


Biblioklept (n.): A person who steals books.


Bibliophagist (n.): A person who loves to read books; literally: a devourer of books.

Book-bosomed (n.): Someone who carries a book with them at all times.


Bookklempt (n.): State of being resulting from the completion of the last book in a series for which there are no more books left, and you are not yet emotionally prepared to begin a new series.

Book Desert (n.): Geographic area or place lacking in access to books, also what we're hoping to correct so more of us can be reading together. 

Book Joy (inter.): A thing we SHOUT or hashtag with all the explication points when we finish a book. 

Book Lover (n.): You and all the members of the club. Anyone who's picked up a book and found themselves lost between the sheets...of paper

Book Nook (n.): A bright, book filled space. 

CamREADerie (n.): The feeling and connection you get from sharing your bookjos and bonding over great pages, passages or pick. 

Dampstain (n.): A stain left on a cover or pages after having been exposed to water.

DNF (n.): A book (no judgement) that requires you to make an early exit. It happens. 

Librocubicultarist (n.): A person who reads in bed.


Logophile (n.): A lover of words.


Page-a-vu (n.): The experience of reading a book you’re sure you’ve never read before, but yet feels very familiar.


Readgret (n.): The feeling of fury or sadness for putting off reading a certain book until now, when you should have read it years ago.


Scrollmate (n.): An author with whom a reader feels a deep connection.


Shelfrighteous (adj.): A feeling of superiority about one’s bookshelf


Tsundoku (verb): The act of leaving a book unread after buying it; the condition of acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them.

VIP (n.): Very important page! This page is literally everything. Mic drops, plot twists, amazing prose, were here for it. 




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